Eircode/Postcode required for EORI registrations 

What is an EORI Number? 

EORI stands for Economic Operators Registration and Identification number. It’s a unique identifier used by customs authorities in the European Union. It is used as a common reference number for interactions with the customs authorities in any Member State and it identifies underlying details such as the holders name and address. 

Who needs an EORI number? 

Traders who conduct customs activities such as excise movements, exports, imports, transit movements into or out of the European Union are required to have an Economic Operators Registration and Identification number.  

This includes businesses established within the EU as well as businesses not established in the EU but that are engaging in customs activities like declarations or acting as carriers. In certain cases, individuals may need an EORI number based on national legislation or specific EU regulations. 

truck driving away

What is changing with the EORI number in Ireland?

The Irish Revenue, in collaboration with the EU Commission, is conducting a review of all EORI registrations in Ireland. They’ve identified a significant number of Irish EORI numbers that lack an Irish postcode, also known as Eircode. 

It’s important to note that EORI numbers without Eircodes are non-compliant with EU regulations and could result in the rejection of declarations submitted into the export system and the transit system. 

Therefore, it is crucial for traders to ensure that their EORI number includes a valid Eircode. 

  • If you’re an existing EORI holder, you should verify the accuracy and completeness of your EORI records, including confirming that an Eircode is included. Where necessary, you should update your details, including adding a valid Eircode in the address field.