Descartes + Thyme-IT Reflects on a Successful return to Multimodal

Descartes + Thyme-IT is pleased to share our successful return to Multimodal 2024, the UK’s largest logistics and supply chain event, held at the NEC in Birmingham from 11 to 13 June. 

With over 13,000 attendees this year, Multimodal provided a valuable platform for Descartes + Thyme-IT to connect with industry leaders and showcase our innovative customs software solutions. Our team at stand 3035 enjoyed engaging discussions with a diverse range of businesses eager to learn how our solutions can streamline their customs declaration processes. It was also a great opportunity to reconnect with existing customers and valued partners 

Through these interactions, several key themes emerged that highlight the current priorities within the industry. Here are some of the most significant takeaways.

Thyme-it at Multimodal 2024

Multimodal 2024 Key Takeaways:

  1. A Focus on Efficiency: Businesses expressed a desire to streamline their customs declaration processes. Many shared concerns about time-consuming manual procedures and data entry errors. Descartes + Thyme-IT addresses these challenges by offering a secure, web-based platform that automates repetitive tasks, saving valuable time and resources. 
  1. Preparing for ICS2: The upcoming transition to the Import Control System 2 (ICS2) was a popular topic of discussion at the event. Descartes + Thyme-IT is committed to supporting our clients throughout this process. Our software solutions are designed to be fully compliant with ICS2, ensuring a smooth and efficient migration. 
  1. Prioritising System Reliability: Businesses of all sizes emphasised the importance of reliable and robust software solutions. They require systems that can handle complex processes and high volumes of data without compromising performance or security. Thyme-IT offers a robust and secure system, ensuring our clients can depend on our software to meet their demanding needs. 

Overall, Multimodal 2024 was a resounding success for Descartes + Thyme-IT and the valuable insights gained from Multimodal 2024 will contribute to our future development efforts. 

If you are looking to simplify your customs and excise declaration process, please contact our team of experts: 

📞 +44 161 710 1890 or +353 1 206 0010 
