Renata Muraro
Border Target Operating Model (BTOM)
PublishedThe final Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) was released in August 2023. The document sets out a new approach to Safety and Security controls (applying to all imports), and Sanitary… Continue reading Border Target Operating Model (BTOM)
CDS for exports – New phased approach
PublishedHM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) announced on 23/08/2023 a new phased approach for businesses moving export declarations to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). After listening to feedback from industry, HMRC… Continue reading CDS for exports – New phased approach
XI EORI Invalidation Process Update
PublishedAs we’ve previously mentioned, HMRC wrote to businesses with GB addresses who hold an XI Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number, issued before 14 September 2021. This asked them… Continue reading XI EORI Invalidation Process Update
IE507 and IE590 AES messages
PublishedIE507 (arrival at exit) and IE590 (exit notification) are new messages introduced with the new Automated Export System (AES). When it comes to exporting goods from Ireland, knowing when to… Continue reading IE507 and IE590 AES messages
IE582 AES message
PublishedThe Automated Export System (AES) is Revenue’s new electronic export system, deployed on 21 March 2023. All export declarations lodged in AES must be fully closed out within 150 days.… Continue reading IE582 AES message
The Alcohol Duty system is changing on CDS
PublishedAlcohol Duty changes At the Spring Budget 2023, the Chancellor confirmed changes to the structure of the Alcohol Duty system, creating standardised tax bands for all alcoholic products based on alcohol… Continue reading The Alcohol Duty system is changing on CDS
Upgrade of Revenue’s Export Declaration System – AES
PublishedNumber: Ref: 18/2023Subject: Upgrade of Revenue’s Export Declaration System – AESWho should read: All those involved in Export Declarations including Software ProvidersRelated Notification: N/AIssued by: eCustoms HelpdeskQueries to: eCustoms@revenue.ieIssue Date:… Continue reading Upgrade of Revenue’s Export Declaration System – AES
999L Waiver extension on CDS declarations
PublishedThe use of waiver document code ‘999L’ on declarations submitted through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) has been extended for use on ex-heading goods. This is where declarants have confirmed… Continue reading 999L Waiver extension on CDS declarations
Proof of origin for imports of products originating in Seychelles
PublishedNumber: Ref: 17/2023Subject: Proof of origin for imports into the European Union of products originating in Seychelles (under the EU – Eastern and Southern Africa interim Economic Partnership Agreement) –… Continue reading Proof of origin for imports of products originating in Seychelles
Amending import and export declarations lodged in AEP
PublishedRevenue has issued a reminder to all declarants who wish to amend import or export declarations lodged in the Automated Entry Processing (AEP) System. As previously communicated, the AEP system… Continue reading Amending import and export declarations lodged in AEP