AIS Functionality Update

Notification Ref: 36/2022

Subject: AIS Functionality Update for Live Release in early October 202

Who should read: All those involved in Import Declarations including Software Providers

Related Notification(s): none

Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk

Issue Date: 16 September 2022

Revenue is making some system changes to our import declaration system Automated Import System
(AIS). The changes will be implemented in a release which will go live during the week commencing
03 October 2022. The functionality will be available to you to test in our test environment (PIT) from
26 September 2022. We will give five days’ advance notification of the go-live date.

This release will introduce technical changes only. The technical changes will not require you to
provide any additional or new data but will result in the stricter application of some business rules.
The changes may cause some declarations to be rejected. It is important that you understand the
impact of the changes on your supply chain and are ready for these changes.

The following declaration types are impacted H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 and I1. Therefore, if you are
a stakeholder linked to any of these declaration types, you are advised to make yourself fully aware
of all of the changes, full technical details of which are contained in the Annex.

The main changes are:

Rejection of refund applications – All declaration Types

Where the RF409 message informs trade of a Customs decision to reject a refund application, the
message will now include the correct reason for the rejection of the refund application.

Partial or deferred quota allocation – All declaration Types

There is an issue with the IM493 message (amendment notification for partial or deferred quota
allocation) where the wrong tax information is displayed in the IM493 message. The correct
information will now be included in this message.

End Use Declarations – H1 

A new business rule will now ensure that the certificates C990 and N990 are only declared where the
procedure code in DE 1/10 (procedure code) is 44 (End Use) on a H1 declaration. 

IOSS Declarations – H1 only

CN codes 33030010 and 33030090 (toilet waters) valued less than €150 may now be included on IOSS
H1 declarations. The following codes should be used:

  • F48 in DE 1/11 Additional procedure
  • Role code FR5 and IOSS number in DE 3/40 Additional Fiscal Reference

These CN codes cannot be used in conjunction with additional procedure code ‘C07- Consignments of
negligible value as they are not eligible for relief.

It will no longer be possible to declare excisable goods within a declaration that contains IOSS (with
the exception of toilet waters).

Single Window/CERTEX – H1 only

Businesses involved in importing goods that require a Common Health Entry Document (CHED),
Certificate of Inspection for Organic Conformity (COI), ODS licence or F Gas HFC Quota should note
that these certificates/licences must be declared at goods shipment item level and not at goods
shipment header level.

H3/H4 Declarations

The below two issues have now been resolved:

  • H3/H4 declarations returning no functional error messages.
  • Declaration returning a “time of arrival is in the future” where it is an IMA type declaration.


Please find link to updated Trader Specifications in relation to the coming release here. The
following changes will be reflected in Version 1.14 of the Trader Specifications.

To see the full list of Enhancements and Fixes, Business Rules and Updates to XSD's, please access the following link.

Further Information

If you need further information, please contact either of the following:

IT/Technical – email: