eCustoms Helpdesk Holiday Period Service and Changes to CN Codes
Number: Ref: 61/2021
Subject: eCustoms Helpdesk Holiday Period Service and Changes to CN Codes 1 January 2022
Who should read: All those involved in import declarations
Related Notification: None
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Issue Date: 17 December 2021
1. eCustoms Helpdesk – Holiday Period Service
Availability of the eCustoms Helpdesk telephone service over the holiday period can be found here.
2. Changes to CN Codes 1 January 2022
With reference to eCustoms Helpdesk Notification Ref: 59/2021 issued on the 15 December 2021, Revenue would like to remind importers the procedures for import declarations pre-lodged in December for goods arriving in January where the CN code is one of the 350 CN codes that is no longer valid from 1 January onwards. Please consult the above the eCustoms notification for details of the CN codes impacted.
If the CN code has an end date of 31 December and the goods arrive in January, the Import Declaration will be rejected in January and a new post lodged import (IMA type) declaration will need to be submitted with the new CN code.
In relation to RoRo movements, while the pre-lodged declaration may be rejected and a new post lodged import declaration will be required, the channel e.g. green routing, will remain unaffected